San Giljan, MALTA- After a month of break without writing blogs, I decide to start the new season with a blog regarding inspiring and fashion. A lot of my fans asking my constantly about my opinion regarding the most inspiring Maltese people when it comes to fashion and I really wanted this time to point the top 10 Maltese celebrity and their Instagram accounts that can inspire you when it comes to clothes, fashion and the way you need to dress.
1. Christabelle Borg- Her high fashion taste can be seen in every moment of her life. The way that she is wearing the things shows how big fashionista she is and she is the one that you really need to follow if you want to look classy!

2. Caroline Paris- Following this lady you will learn how to match all the things that you was probably never meant that can create a combination. Her taste of International fashion and travel blogs will be very helpful for those people who wants to look great on their travel trips.

3. Grazielle Camilleri- This women has the power to make you feel like queen in your own combination. She can motivate you enough on the way of how you can cooperating being fashionable mother, wife, friend and women. She is the great example that is not every time about the fashionable clothes but is in the energy you imitate through your clothes.

4. Dorianne Mamo- From this lady you can learn a lot as she follows the international fashion constantly and she looks like all others world stars that you can see on the TV. Her skills for matching details over the combination will help you making your combinations look international and expensive.

5. Taryn Mamo Cefai- She is one of my most favourite fashion artists as she is shining with every single piece that she is wearing. You cannot find anyone else with so much energy and smile like no one else here in Malta. Especially the blonde girls should follow her as they will teach what colours probably suits them as this girl knows to choose.

6. Ira Losco-- No need of to much explaining when it comes to Ira. She is the only Maltese celebrity that is high class in every single way and that can be seen in the way she is dressed. Not everyone knows how to wear brands but when it comes to people that they knows than Ira is number 1.

7. Shanel De Battista- This women impress whenever you will see her around. Her natural beauty, energy and carefully chosen clothes makes her one of the most fashionable here. You can learn from her how you can on right way always make balance between your hear and make up so you don't look over the needs.

8. Maria Micallef- She is person that looks so unique and have individuality in the combinations that she is wearing. She has style, class and fashion imagination that lately makes her one of the best dressed people that attend fashion events in the country. Follow her profile to learn something unique and different.

9.Tamara Webb- Real DIVA in every fashionable sense. Someone that will teach you that is time to start with healthy life and her combinations will teach you that whenever you are dressing and looking at the mirror you need to see the winner in your combination.

10. Priscilla Sammut Preca- From her you will learn that there is no need of to much details for you to look as a star. Her simple taste and unusual colours makes her natural beauty complete and anything she is wearing is with so much taste and beauty.

Let me know about your comments regarding my selection and follow my blog for new updates every week.
With love
Denis xxx