San Giljan, MALTA- The most exiting part of the year is really close to all of us, the fashion bloggers cause very soon the nominations for the best fashion blogger for Malta of 2018 will come out. This year is not that hard to predict the people who can be nominated and win the award taking the fact that not a lot of bloggers give their best and work on a lot of Maltese and International fashion events, projects and fashion weeks around Europe. Following a lot of Maltese bloggers me and my blog decide to take out the best top 5 bloggers that achieve the most and for sure one of them really deserve to take the award home on the 2 of June. And to be clear we are not speaking about the lifestyle bloggers but where are pull out the names only of the people that works and are connected with fashion.

1. Grazielle Camilleri Ahlgren
This is the 2 year in row while Grazielle is on the top of the bloggers jet set in Malta. This year we expected a lot from her and we get much more than we expected. This very successful fashion blogger not only in Malta but in the whole Europe is on the top of this list. She worked really hard presenting the best from her. Starting from Malta Fashion Week 2017 , through Portugal Fashion Week, events in Rome, Paris, London and many more places where she was invited and finishing as one of the top bloggers in Milan fashion week 2018 is enough reason why she is on the list. If we mean of the fashion blogger of the year than we mean of Grazielle !

2. Dorianne Mamo
Nominated even last year, this lady is really a blogger of a kind that is so special taking the fact that there is not many people in the fashion world that they have in them self a human values and sweet way of transmission of the their words and blogs. Leading the Maltese delegation on the Milan Fashion Week 2018 and working for the top brands internationally makes her a strong candidate to win the award. U should all be proud that Malta have a person like her so special and original. If you ever ask yourself who is the most natural Maltese blogger than the answer is Dorianne!

3. Sarah Zerafa
This girl is real treasure in the future of the Maltese blogging. Working hard, she successfully and very easy start attracting so many followers in the country and internationally that makes her blog very popular and amazing. Working with Elisabetta Franchi she had an opportunity to be part of the Milan Fashion Week as well showing that has ambition for international projects which is very important for our work. Taking the fact that all the designers want her in their shows is enough reason to be mention in this blog. She was attending to almost all fashion events in the country . We dont have to think about the future of the blogging in Malta as we have Sarah!

4.Caroline Paris
One of the most experienced in this blog, Caroline is an international blogger that works outside Malta as well and is one of the fewest bloggers that are investing a lot in the fashion shows visiting almost every fashion week aboard . She is an original brand that also work with many international companies, products and fashion brands. We must agree that her blog looks fantastic and that she really works so hard for her followers and that is for very big respect. If we are thinking of quality than we think of Caroline !

5. Daniel Azzopardi
The only male in the group is Daniel, blogger that promise a lot and its one of the first actually fashion bloggers that start with his own blog years ago. Taking the fact that he is working with many international brands and project he can very easy be one of the nominate people to win the award. His style of blogging is unique, funny and very open to the pubic and a lot of them love him cause of that. Taking his interest of many fashion events this year also give him a huge opportunity for success in future. If we are thinking of originality we are thinking of Daniel!

Hope that many of you will agree with my choice this time and that there will be not disappointed bloggers cause we should share only love not hate cause we are unity of love and nice words.
With love