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Top 10 Maltese photographers for 2017

Dr Denis Aljush

San Giljan, MALTA- Shortly after the Christmas break we will speak about the top 10 currently best Maltese photographers according to my blog. Usually me and my blog collaborate with all photographers in Malta and i am always satisfied with the attitude of all of them but decide to rang this 10 photographers as the best option you can contact in case you really need quality and not quantity here and outside Malta.

1. Carlo Jourdan

Owning the Carlo Jourdan Photography, Carlo is one of the best Maltese photographers and he is the favourite one around the bloggers, designers and models here. His photos showing class of quality, talent and love with photography. His talent to play with angles, colours and effects brigs him popular even outside of Malta. He is also a lead photographer of the show of VENERE. We are all happy to have at least one photo of this talented men ! Every blogger here wish to have him as a blog photographer cause of creativity he have and all the ideas he is able to give to us. He is the right option for making a really proffesional photo model portfolio.

2. Gordon Formosa

Owning the GoRaw Photography, Gordon is one of the leading Show events photographers. If you ask the people involved in the showbiz here who is the most positive and most interesting photographer for sure they will all choose Gordon. Amazed by his talent, this photographer always show why he deserve to be in the group of the best. His ideas of trying new things and be step close to the world photography make his photos different from the other ones showing his wish to show the world what he can. I still remember the shoots using the fluorescent effect during Mister Malta Universe 2016. If you want to be different and original than he is the right one for you !

3. Bernard Polidano

Managing the Bernard Polidano Photography, Bernard is one of the leading fashion photographers nominated a couple of times for the best fashion photographer by the Maltese Fashion Week and Awards. His mystical approach makes him unique, sophisticated and outstanding in his performance. His photos can be seen everywhere where you search for professionalism and creativity. If you are ready for modelling out of Malta and want to take something very professional with you contact him as he is really the one he can make that!

4. Mark Soler

Owner at, Mark is one of the most friendly photographers around the models here. His way of shooting show the reality and the natural side of every model. He is not only a fashion photographer but can be seen as a part of many other shows including sport shows. That show the love and passion that he have with the camera. We all love seeing the photos with his wonderful logo. If you really want to be relaxed and work with enthusiasm than he is the right person for you!

5.Benjamin Sant

Benjamin Sant is the owner of SnapArt photograhy and leading photographer at Miss Universe Malta. Is you are searching for really good profile model look photos you are searching for this photographer. His ability to work with the face of the model show his talent to work with details. His ideas are always related to take off the best from every face, model and look. Glad to collaborate with him on Mister Universe on the road. If you really want to look like Miss Universe on your photos dont miss to contact him.

6. Patrizia Val Madiona

The only woman in this group is the young and talented Patrizia, photographer at Madiona photography. She is the proof that you can not be a good photographer if you dont have attitude to work with it. She is very nice and friendly person that everyone of us is glad to meet and know. Her talent for fashion photography is huge potential and her shoots are featured in many magazines and fashion collaborations. If you are a fan of paparazzi shoots then you will really like to have one photo with her signature :-) ! Contact her for any kind of events especially where are the small kids involved .

7. Kurt Paris

Managing the Kurt Paris Photography, Kurt is one of the most artistic photographers of this group. His talent to work with creativity, art and emotions makes his way of shooting very original and you can easy recognise his photos. He is working with many bloggers and if you are model that wants to start modelling this is definitely a person can take the real artistic soul out of you. Contact him in any case you want to work something artistic and special.

8. Justin Ciappara

As a photographer of JCiappara Photography, Justin is really what we mean when we speak about the fashion photographer and usually we can spot his on every fashion show that is organised in Malta. His ability and talent to work with the models can be seen on every photo he is taking. I respect him cause he have ability to recognise what is fashion and spot all the fashionable people on every show. That makes him a necessary person that every fashion show need to have and contact him if you want to look fashionable in your next photo shooting.

9. Matthew B Spiteri

Owning the Matthew B Spiteri photography, Matthew is currently holder of the title of the best fashion photographer by the Maltese Fashion Week and Awards association. He is someone who is following the standards and the shoots that he is working with it we can easy compare to the photos of any famous world photographer which makes him a real treasure here for Malta. If you as a model want to look outstanding than Matthew is a person that you are looking for!

10. Ron Kerr

Managing the Ron Kerr Imagery, Ron is someone that really knows what the photography means as he is really high educated in the area of photography which makes him quality photographer. His images are a real motion, life and creativity. Love the way he is making difference in fashion and thats way he is always welcomed in new projects and collaborations with many company shootings. If you want to promote something than this is a perfect person to help you in that !

Respect and love to all other photographers here and wish next time to say something for all of you :-)

With love,




St Julian's, Malta

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