Sliema, MALTA- 15th of June was the date reserved for the opening party of the LUX events this summer which take place on the HERA yacht with 4 hours of LUX, sailing, fashion and great music. The departure was set for 19:30 pm local time and this was the best ever organised yacht party till this moment that satisfied our expectations. The welcoming glass of wine, positive energy and smile of the crew members and having gold VIP tracking on our hands was smelling on wonderful Friday night.

Many VIP people, models, fashion bloggers and guests were able to enjoy the great party that was lasting till late filled with great music, delicious food and an open bar with VIP service. Our blog was taking part of this wonderful event for the first time and for the fashionable style of this event we can review it as a best dressed event of the year that happen in Malta till the moment. Many high fashion brands were able to been seen on one place. From Versace to Chanel, everyone take it serious how should look on this event and cant wait to see what it will happening on the next party set for 29th of June.

Among many models that were taking part in this event was the Maltese top model Lyann Iles that was the best dress model of the night serving this wonderful flowered print design with perfect style that leave impression to all of us.

The official photographer of this event was Ron Ker and I must say that he really pay attention all of the guest to have really great pictures and memories that will remind of an amazing party forever. We are all exited for the next LUX event that will take part on 29th of June and our blog will follow this even also in live presenting and sharing will all of you the impressions in the next blog.
All is set for another epic event ! Tickets NOW available for June 29th Limited tickets Available Book now or email on
With love
Denis xxx